Essex Field Club on Facebook

Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

About us

Video about the Club Essex Field Club video

registered charity
no 1113963
HLF Logo A-Z Page Index

A-Z Page Index

A cribellate spider Nigma walckenaeri
A froghopper survey
A new bumblebee Bombus hypnorum
A Tale of Two Habitats
A-Z Geological Site Index
A-Z Noteworthy Naturalist Index
A-Z Page Index
A-Z Picture Index
A-Z Publication Index
A-Z Schemes Index
A-Z Site Index
A-Z Species Index
A-Z Species Index by taxonomic group
About us
Adder Vipera berus
Annual Exhibition and Social
Appendix bugs and planthoppers
Archive contents
Archive Search
Archive Search Tips
Assessment of value of brownfield sites
Associated books
Barking Levels and PFA lagoons
Bees wasps and ants survey
Biodiversity hotspots
Biological Records in Essex partnership
Bob Burton 1923 - 2014
Botany Group
Brown Hare
Brownfield importance to invertebrates
Brownfield site assessment help
Brownfield site assessments
Brownfield Site Map
Category Index
Cercopis vulnerata results
Club Groups
Common stork's-bill
Contributions to the Essex Naturalist
Contributions to the newsletter
Contributor Photo Albums
County Recorders
Crab spider Misumena vatia
Cuckoo bee Melecta albifrons
Daddy long legs spider
Dark-edged Bee Fly
Dark-edged Bee Fly results
Database Summary for species
Datasearch Query
Datasearch Terms of Service
Destroyed sites
Disused Playing Fields of Essex
Dragonflies of Essex
East of England B-Lines project
Essex Field Club Data Protection Statement
Essex Glow-worm Survey
Essex Grasshopper Recording
Essex Moth Group
Essex Naturalist
Essex Recorders partnership
Essex Red Data hoverfly statuses
Essex Red Data List
Essex Red Data List - criteria for inclusion
Essex Red Data List changes
Essex Red Data List species by habitat
Essex Red Data rarity statuses
Essex Red Data threat statuses
Essex Rock by Gerald Lucy
Essex site data
Essex species data
Essex Spider Group
False widow spider Steatoda bipunctata
False widow spider Steatoda nobilis
February 1st - 28th
Find out more
Frog survey
Fungus Group
Garden centre spider
Garden Spider
Geological sites in Essex
Geological sites search
Geology Group
Geology of Essex
Geology Site Map
Geronimo the grasshopper
Glow-worm Survey
Grant Application Form0
Grants for recording in Essex
Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus
Green Tiger Beetle
Green Tiger Beetle results
Grey Squirrel
Harlequin Ladybird
Harpocera thoracica bug
Hedgehog records
Help pages
Herpetofauna Group
History of the Club
History of the County Recorders
History of the Essex Naturalist
Honey Bee
How to use the Species Lookup box
Humming-bird Hawk-moth in action
Insect poetry
Interesting Places
Interpretation of distribution maps
Invasive species
January 1st-31st
Jermaines Wood
Latest changes
Leptoglossus occidentalis (Western Conifer Seed Bug)
Lily beetle in a garden near you
Littlebrook Lakes
Locate Help
Make a donation
Make a legacy
Mammals of Essex
Management Team
March 1st - 31st
Meetings guidance
Mill Wood Pit
Nigel St. John Cuming 1938 - 2021
Non Native Amphibians - North American Bullfrog
Officers and contacts
Origin of the Club
Other Essex courses
Other publications
Our New Centre
Our Objectives
Passmore Edwards Museum in Newham
Picture Upload Guidelines
Pictures Recently Uploaded
Policy and Guidelines
Previous newsletter issues
Privacy policy
Real Easter Bunny
Records recently added or edited
Rhododendron Leafhopper
Rose Chafer Survey
Rosemary Beetle
Sales Policy
Scarlet Malachite Beetle
Sea Aster Survey
Sea Wall Biodiversity Handbook
Search tips
Show whole Essex Red Data list
Site surveys
Slow-worm results
Slow-worm survey
Some Common Ladybirds
Southern Green Shieldbug
Species Surveys
Spitting Spider
Spring Flower Bee
Spring Flower Bee results
Stag Beetle Larvae Survey
Stag Beetle Survey
Swollen-thighed Beetle
System - Invertebrate Assemblage outputs
Tawny Mining Bee in Gardens
Tawny Mining Bee Results
Terms of use
Thames and Climate Change
Threats to brownfield
Triturus cristatus
UK Species Database Summary
UKBAP Essex species and habitats
UKBAP Habitat - Taxa Associations
Unlocking the Natural History Heritage of Essex
Veteran Tree Group
Wasp Spider
Wasp Spider distribution
Wat Tyler Country Park Sightings
West Thurrock Marshes background
What is geodiversity
What to do...
What to see now by hectad
What we do
Woodlouse Spider
Your Forum
Zebra Spider